4 Household Items To Clean Pet Stains

Clean Pet Stains

It's every pet owner's nightmare: You step into a fresh, wet " accident," and you're out of your go-to carpet cleaner. Not to worry — there are actually quite a few household staples that work wonders on pet-stained carpeting!

Whether you're house-training a puppy or caring for a cat who's having trouble with the litterbox, read below to learn which kitchen and laundry room standbys can be used for cleaning urine spots.

White Vinegar Pet StainsWhite Vinegar
White vinegar neutralizes odors and can clean stains both new and old. If the urine spot is still wet, blot (don't rub) the area first. Combine equal parts white vinegar with cold water, pour the solution over the stain, blot again and let it dry. Then, run a vacuum over the spot to finish the job.

Club Soda
Club soda is another household staple that can work wonders on newly soiled carpet. Blot the stain, then pour the club soda over it. Let it soak until the soda stops bubbling, blot again and repeat the process as necessary. Many pet owners swear by this simple household hack!

Baking Soda
Didn't catch that urine spot until it was dry? Baking soda to the rescue! Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the stain, let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum. Keep in mind, though, that baking soda can cause stomach upset and other problems if pets ingest it — so put up a baby gate or close some doors, so your pet can't get to the spot while you're cleaning it.

If you've just discovered a stain that has been there for who knows how long, bleach may be the way to go. Mix a solution of 10 parts water and one part bleach, spray it on the stain, let it sit for 15 seconds then rinse with warm water. Repeat until the spot is gone. A word of caution, though: Bleach may damage certain fabrics and can alter the color of upholstery and carpets, so you might want to test the solution on an inconspicuous spot first. And always make sure to keep that bleach bottle away from any curious pets — we recommend mixing the solution and putting the bleach out of reach immediately.

Source: Vet Street


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