Human Foods to Avoid with your Pet!
You may let your dog or cat get the occasional table scrap, but there are some foods they should never have. Read through our list and keep these in mind!
ONIONS (and onion powder) contain the chemical compound thiosulfate which can cause hemolytic anemia (abnormal breakdown of the red blood cells).
RAW EGGS contain an enzyme that interferes with the absorption of particular vitamins, and, as with humans, harbor the possibility of getting food poisoning from salmonella or e coli.
Certain types of MUSHROOMS can be poisonous to dogs, cats and people. Dogs should be monitored when outdoors to help them avoid wild mushrooms, especially those found in and around trees.
MILK won’t harm your cat, but some cats are lactose intolerant and drinking cow’s milk will cause an upset stomach. Dogs beyond puppy hood require less protein and the protein in cow’s milk may be too high for them.
MACADAMIA NUTS are the cause of a toxicosis (poisoning) in dogs with symptoms like wobbly walking, tremors, swollen limbs and increased heart rate.
GRAPES AND RAISINS can cause irreversible kidney failure in dogs and cats. Your pet will likely not get sick initially from eating one or two but overtime damage can result.
COOKED BONES may splinter, and when ingested, can obstruct or even puncture the digestive/intestinal tract, therefore, they should be avoided. Size appropriate raw bones or knuckle bones are preferred.
COFFEE, TEA AND CAFFEINE can cause tremors, agitation or cardiac arrhythmia in some dogs and cats. Check out labels as caffeine can be found in many food and beverages!
CHOCOLATE AND COCOA, from the cocoa bean, contains theobromine which is toxic to cats and dogs, because they can’t break it down and excrete it from their system as quickly as humans. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is and possibly fatal.
- Many gardeners use COCOA BEAN MULCH because it is attractive and has a longer shelf life. But it should be avoided as dogs are attracted to the sweet chocolate smell and may ingest more than their tummies can handle. Cats are less likely to ingest but should also be watched.
CANDY AND GUM Some sugar free treats are sweetened with Xylitol in higher doses than our pets can metabolize, which causes increased insulin circulation and a drop in blood sugar. Initial symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, seizures and may lead to liver damage.
BREAD DOUGH: as yeast reacts to the stomach’s warm, moist environment and expands, it can lead to stomach distention. It also forms ethanol, which is absorbed into the bloodstream and renders the dog’s or cat’s dangerously acidic.
AVOCADOS contain a chemical called ‘persin’ that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, edema (fluid accumulation) and cardiac muscle damage
ALCOHOL can cause intoxication, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory distress, coma and even death.
Some more food that is unsafe for your cat
Want some SAFE foods to give your dog? Read Our Blog
Want some SAFE foods to give your cat? Read Our Blog
Some more food that is unsafe for your cat
Want some SAFE foods to give your dog? Read Our Blog
Want some SAFE foods to give your cat? Read Our Blog
Such useful info, Ann! Thanks for sharing.